Daily Tips
Daily Tips
Motivational messages and fitness tips - Updated Daily
Motivational messages and fitness tips - Updated Daily
You may not have reached your goal yet, but you're closer than you were yesterday.
Don't Sit during Your Entire Lunch Break-
Make a point not to stay seated during the 30 to 60 minutes you're allotted for lunch. Instead, take half of the time to eat and use the other half to squeeze in a mini, but mild, workout. Go outside and take a short walk. You can also walk up and down the stairs in your building.
If working out in a gym bores you, you are not alone. Don’t be discouraged to see other people intensely exercising in the gym. People are different, tastes are different. What one person loves, is not necessarily what you will love. It is logical that you would be bored by certain activities. The key is to find the physical activity that you love.
Find Healthy Outlets For Emotions-
Turning to food to “numb out” emotions like anxiety works temporarily, but after the food is gone the stressful stimulus still remains—along with a hefty dose of guilt. Find ways to experience negative emotions with a response other than eating. Try deep breathing, meditation, calling a friend or going for a brisk walk. The more you practice these alternative behaviors, the more automatic they become. Eventually, reaching for a bag of chips can stop being the default reaction to stress.